UKKPPM SMART CITY University of Indonesia received a request for cooperation from the Research and Development Agency (BPP) of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs in 2021 to conduct Quantity Control on reported regional innovation data from all Regional Governments in Indonesia. This cooperation project is an implementation effort of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation Article 8, No. 104, 2018 concerning Assessment and Awarding and/or Incentive for Regional Innovations.
One of the stages in assessing the regional innovation index is validation through Quality Control of regional innovation data reported to the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs by the Regional Government all over Indonesia. The next validation stage is the presentation of Regional Governments Presentation represented by their governors and regents and field validation where each regional government shows valid supporting data of their innovations. This activity's purpose is to increase accountability and the quality of regional innovation assessment, particularly on regional innovation validation processes. Meanwhile, this activity ensures that the validation results of the nominator regional documents carried out by the Research and Development team comply with the applicable terms and conditions.
The method used is electronic validation based on regional innovation data and documents uploaded by each regional government in the Innovation Assessment Application. Validation of regional innovation data is conducted by matching the suitability of inputting the innovation data with the supporting evidence attached. In the case of inputting innovation data, data and information errors may occur. The reported data needs to be assessed for its correctness, validity, and suitability with the regional innovation index assessment criteria. Therefore, SMART CITY University of Indonesia provided experts with relevant qualifications in conducting this project.
The Quality Control activity for measuring the Regional Innovation Index produces an output, such as: a final report, containing recommendations for nominees that can be used as material for consideration in subsequent regional innovation validation phases and in awarding incentives for the regional governments. From the completion of this cooperation project, the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs awarded SMART CITY Universitas Indonesia as Quality Control Team for this project.