About CCR

SMART CITY Universitas Indonesia is a Unit Kegiatan Khusus Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (UKKPPM) for Scientific Modelling, Application, Research, and Training for City based at the Universitas Indonesia, Depok.
This unit begins as a center for collaborative research (CCR) to assist more than 500 researchers from various universities and faculties in publishing 235 scientific articles. Today, SMART CITY UI is constantly being part of various research and project activities by collaborating with diverse governmental institutions and organizations in Indonesia and abroad. 
The core of our organization lies on our research activities. We conducted multi-disciplinary studies that intersect topics such smart city and sustainability. 

Our Goals

The ultimate goal of USAID SHERA – SMART CITY project is to sustainably enhance the quality and quantity of science and technology research in Indonesia's higher institutions, particularly for Universitas Indonesia and its partner universities in the field of SMART CITY strategic planning and development. This goal is implemented in activities which improve the capacity of scholars and postgaduate researchers in Indonesia, strengthen the existence of reserch centers and management in the country, and foster the collaboration between universities in the United States and Universitas Indonesia with its partners.
There are four areas of interests in SMART CITY program: Energy and Environment, Infrastructure, Information & Communications Technology and Mobility, and Quality of Life. Each area of interest centers on specific research topics to answer both global and Indonesian urban challenges:
Energy & Environment:
Sustainable energy storage systems for urban built environment and urban energy systems, security, and sustainability
Sustainable urban mobility, sustainable urban water management, and sustainable regional development
Information & Communications Technology and Mobility:
Extending urban healthcare and Internet of Things (IoT)
Quality of Life:
Urban housing infrastructure, policy, and technology, live-able urban environment, and urban healthcare services

Our Mission

Center for Collaborative Research SMART CITY has a mission to create a prototype of “Situation Room”. This is a set of integrated system adaptive to its environment, developed to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) on a small region scale.
The smartness concept defined by SMART CITY is derived from how humans’ brain works. Basically, the brain has three levels of producing solutions: from receiving input using all the senses as an entity, then processing existing data into useful information for decision making, and generating a decision based on the information process to resolve the issue.
Therefore, the Situation Room built by SMART CITY will act like a human brain in order to solve problems found in its circumstance.