Menguasai Penulisan Akademis

Menguasai Penulisan Akademis: Serial Produk Pengetahuan Smart City

Buku Menguasai Penulisan Akademis aims to enhance the quality of scientific research writing generated by junior faculty members and postgraduate students in universities across Indonesia. The quality can be measured by how the papers can be published on journals or proceedings and listed on international citation databases, such as Scopus, which will eventually be an achievement for the researcher. Therefore, this book will expain the basic concepts of academic writing and technical subjects needed to be understood by a researcher in order to publish his/her work on Scopus-indexed journals or proceedings.

Editor : Ahmad Gamal
Tim Penyusun : Lolom Evalita Hutabarat, Heri Hermansyah, Chairul Hudaya, Catur Apriono Narasumber : Mohammed Ali Berawi, Riri Fitri Sari, Christopher Silver,
Muhammad Suryanegara, Nasruddin, Wisnu Jatmiko, Doni Hikmat Ramdhan Tim Teknis : Cherina La Ruba , Rini Kharismawa , Maharani Suci, Nadia Tuada Afnan

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