Research Fellowship (Hibah Riset)

Kuota 2019 telah terpenuhi. Untuk sementara SMART CITY tidak menerima aplikasi/pendaftaran baru untuk kegiatan ini. Penutupan skema pendanaan ini berlaku sejak 1 Juli 2019.
The 2019 quota has been fulfilled. SMART CITY are not accepting new applications for this funding scheme at the moment. This closure has been in place since July 1, 2019.
This funding scheme is aimed at research groups consisting of five people:
  1. Three researchers with arrangement as follows:
  • One lead researcher (permanent lecturer) with H-index and two members of doctoral students from Universitas Indonesia/partner universities in Indonesia (UNDIP/UNPAD/UNUD/UNSRI/UTS);
  • One lead researcher (permanent lecturer) with H-index; one junior researcher (junior faculty member); one doctoral student from Universitas Indonesia or partner universities in Indonesia (UNDIP/UNPAD/UNUD/UNSRI/UTS);
2. One researcher from CCR SMART CITY partner in the United States (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Florida, Savannah State University, dan Alabama A&M University) or a university in the United States that is ranked higher than UI according to the Times Higher Education (THE).
3. One researcher from Universitas Indonesia or partner university in Indonesia (UNDIP/UNPAD/UNUD/UNSRI/UTS) which has different affiliation with the lead researcher team